Designed To Inspire
Your World!

Designed To Inspire Your World!

You may feel sad, desperate or lonely. You may think that the world doesn’t care about you or barely knows about your existence. We are here to say you are not alone. We know how challenging it can be to stay positive, happy and believe in yourself. We totally understand you.

Why is
doing it?

Wioletta created Logoletta – to make you feel happy & believe in yourself. It’s not just a t-shirt, a bag, a mug. It’s magic that gives you cozy feeling and power of positive vibe. It’s a philosophy you now belong to.

How is
doing it?

With positive inspiration through the Logoletta characters and designs we will create positive changes worldwide. We want to share stories from every skin colour, every religion, every nation, every gender on Logoletta products.

What will
You get
as a designer?

You as a designer will make your name better known! Additionally  you will inspire people with your designs globally.
+ earn some money
+ supporting charities globally

Share Your story with us now!

What will
You get
as a owner?

You will become aware of a silent but powerful sense of presence, and measure the degree of peace that you feel within. Also buying our products you will support charities globally!


Become a part of our fun and inspiring journey. Subscribe to our positive letters!

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